Sex Education season 4 episode 4 recap: Death rocks Moordale

 Maeve and Sean in Sex Education season 4 episode 4.
Maeve and Sean in Sex Education season 4 episode 4.

This article contains spoilers for Sex Education season 4 episode 4.

In the fourth episode of Sex Education's final season, Michael Groff tries to get his mojo back owing to some struggles in the bedroom, Maeve receives some tragic news after leaving America and returning to Moordale, Otis and Aimee do their best to support their returning friend, Eric gets roped into helping out at a soup kitchen, and Jean's pushed to try something new to shake up her radio show.

Here's what everyone went through in Sex Education season 4 episode 4.

Returning to Moordale

Aimee and Otis in the car in Sex Education season 4 episode 4
Aimee and Otis in the car in Sex Education season 4 episode 4

The episode opens with Michael at home with Gloria, the teacher from Cavendish College. Gloria is very keen to get it on with Michael, but he's not quite used to getting right down to business and isn't able to perform in the bedroom.

Meanwhile, Otis wanders in to find Jan trying to prep for her show; he's skipping school for the day because Maeve's come back to town and he wants to visit her. Jean's sister Joanna stays behind to look after Joy, and when Eric comes calling to ride to school with his best friend, she tells him he's gone missing because Maeve's in town.

Aimee is giving Maeve a lift, and Otis arrives, prompting a very awkward encounter. She said she wanted to be a little more spruced up before they saw each other again, but they have a big hug and drive to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Ruby is trying to find Otis, because he's got a huge line of appointments at Cavendish. That's when O shows up to steal his clients by offering free t-shirts and open walk-in slots to those waiting for him. Jackson jokes with Viv about her feelings for Beau, and then tells her about the lump he found on one of his testicles.

Cal also apologizes to Aisha for trying to kiss them, but Aisha tells them that she and her partner PK are ethically non-monogamous, and asks Cal out on a date.

Tragic news

Maeve meets her brother, Sean, at the hospital. Together, they're led into an empty room to be told that their mother actually passed away after her overdose. Aimee and Otis wait for Maeve to come back out; whilst they're passing time in the car, Aimee ends up asking Otis to "therapy" her about the situation between her and Isaac, and he advises her to let Maeve know about her feelings for Maeve's ex, Isaac.

At school, Ruby seeks out O to tell her to stop stealing Otis' clients, but O uses her relationship insights to tell her that Otis shouldn't be leaving her feeling confused about what's between them.

Ruby also learns that there's a student counselor meeting coming up, and starts trying to dig up dirt on her for Otis. None of the students seem to have a bad word to say about her. She then bumps into Eric, and asks if he's seen him, and she's taken aback to learn that he's gone to visit Maeve... as Eric realizes Otis didn't tell Ruby she was back from America.

Elsewhere, Michael takes Adam for another driving lesson. During, he asks how the date with Gloria went; he tells him he couldn't get it up, and Adam says he thinks he's got performance anxiety, and needs to be proactive in confronting it. He also tells his father never to discuss his bedroom issues with him ever again. Following his chat, Michael psyches himself and calls Gloria. They start having sex, but he loses his focus partway through and things go wrong for the second time.

A new host

Jean Milburn at the radio station in Sex Education season 4 episode 4
Jean Milburn at the radio station in Sex Education season 4 episode 4

Jean goes to visit Celia, to talk about her show. Some of her sessions haven't gone well, so Celia's been asked to try and shake up the format. This includes getting some new co-hosts in, the first of which is O from Cavendish.

Maeve hasn't come out of the hospital and has instead focused on the crossword book she'd found in the waiting room. A nurse told them their mother was being moved to the mortuary and handed over her belongings to the two kids.

Whilst they're allowed to go and see her, Maeve tells Sean she doesn't want to see her like that, so he goes it alone. When he returns, Sean tells her they can go; he wants to leave, but she wants to stay behind and tells him to let her friends know she will be out in a bit. Sean shares the news with Otis and Aimee before leaving with his friend Mo and says they shouldn't try to get her from the waiting room.

Eric's getting ready to go to Abbi's when his mum asks if he could help at the soup kitchen. He says he's busy, but offers to help in the future. Whilst he's on his way over, a homeless person asks him for help and ends up convincing him to walk her to the village hall.


Beatrice (Eric's mum) spots Eric in the village hall and quickly ropes him into helping as they're short-staffed. He sends a message to Abbi to let her know and is shocked when she turns up at the hall to help out. Whilst Beatrice tells Abbi what to do to help out, another kitchen worker tells him that the village hall has lost its funding, and will be forced to shut down.

Jean and O are on-air together, and Celia pushes O to get Jean to bring in a caller. This caller happens to be Michael Groff, who has called in under a fake name to discuss his recent issues in the bedroom. Michael confesses that he still misses his ex-wife and thought that the fling would help him move on, too.

They advise him he's got to find a way to cut all emotional ties with his former partner in order to get back to normal, advice which even impresses Aimee and Otis (who are listening to the show in the car, still outside the hospital).

Maeve finally finishes her crossword and leaves the hospital. In the car, Otis and Aimee tell her they'll support her however they can, and they take her back to her little sister, Anna. The two friends sleep by her side (Otis also ignores all of Ruby's texts).

Meanwhile, Michael is stunned to find Maureen on his doorstep. She tells him she heard him on the radio, and that she missed him too, before the pair share a kiss.

Sex Education season 4 is now streaming on Netflix.