Seth Rogen Learns the Gangster Movie from Home Alone Is Fake, Blows Celebrity Friends' Minds

Seth Rogen Learns the Gangster Movie from Home Alone Is Fake, Blows Celebrity Friends' Minds

“Keep the change, ya filthy animal!”

It’s a line that Seth Rogen was shocked to learn is only recited in Home Alone and not some 1940s gangster flick, which Kevin McAllister watches when left to his own devices. That’s because Angels with Filthy Souls was conceptualized and filmed purely for the beloved holiday classic.

The Knocked Up actor, 36, shared his revelation with the Twitterverse on Christmas Eve, writing, “My entire childhood, I thought the old timey movie that Kevin watches in Home Alone (Angels With Filthy Souls) was actually an old movie.”

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And because the short film — it lasts about a minute and a half — was so well-produced, many of Rogen’s celebrity friends were surprised by this news.

“IT’S NOT????” responded Chris Evans of Captain America fame.

“It isn’t? (Dead serious),” added comedian Nick Kroll, to which Rogen responded with, “Yeah man. You deserved to find out in a better way than this.”

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Then, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse codirector Rodney Rothman chimed in: “I didn’t know it until you just said this.”

And comic book writer Daniel Kibblesmith added, “Me too. And then when the sequel came out and he watches the fake sequel [Angels with Filthier Souls], I thought, “Oh, so that’s why they chose it. In case they made a Home Alone 2.”

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According to Vanity Fair, the violent, noir movie — which Macaulay Culkin‘s character indulges in without the oversight of his parents and later uses to scare Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern’s Wet Bandits — took a day to shoot using a set with only two walls.

Initial iterations of the script called it “the gangster film.” In fact, it only got a name because the VHS that Kevin pops in needed a label. The title was a reference to the very real Angels with Dirty Faces from 1938.