The selfless reason Julia Louis-Dreyfus shared her battle with breast cancer

On Jimmy Kimmel Live, Julia Louis-Dreyfus spoke about her recent fight with breast cancer and why she shared so much of her battle on social media. From day one, she was open about her experience. Shortly after winning her 11th Emmy Award, Louis-Dreyfus sent out a tweet announcing that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. But Louis-Dreyfus wasn’t looking for sympathy. She had others in mind when she was compelled to share her story. “We had to stall Veep production because of my situation,” Louis-Dreyfus said, “so a lot of people worked for me and I couldn’t really keep it private because I had to tell people what was going on.” Louis-Dreyfus said she just embraced that she would be sharing her battle with cancer and got a great response. Veep costars Tony Hale and Timothy Simons even made her a video featuring Katy Perry’s “Roar.” Louis-Dreyfus continued to post on social media throughout, including a post-op pic from February telling cancer to F off. Louis-Dreyfus is now cancer free and believes even more strongly in a hotly contested issue in this country that should be self evident. “Healthcare should be for all. I believe that now,” Louis Dreyfus said. “I believed that before, now I really believe it.”