Self-Proclaimed Sex Addict Claims It All Started With Porn

Self-Proclaimed Sex Addict Claims It All Started With Porn

Whitney claims she’s uncovered a web of lies from her husband, Adam, and says he’s been cheating on her for years.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Enough is enough!

Adam admits he’s had sexual contact with multiple women throughout his marriage to Whitney. He claims it started as an addiction to porn.

“I didn’t feel like I was cheating on Whitney when I looked at pornography because there was no physical contact,” he says. “The pornography addiction progressed so much that I was having sexual relations with other women.”

“I know that the trust in my marriage is completely broken,” Adam continues.

Why does he say he’s been unable to control his sexual urges until now?

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This program contains strong sexual content. Viewer discretion advised.

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