See Jake Gyllenhaal as a Terrifyingly Aggressive Crime Photographer in the 'Nightcrawler' Trailer

The crime-thriller genre is the natural home of unlikable, unlikely heroes: morally-compromised lowlifes, forced by circumstances to find their center.

In the new film Nightcrawler, the trailer for which you can see here exclusively on Yahoo Movies, Jake Gyllenhaal throws himself into the role of one of these  protagonists.

There is little in the world less likable than an ambulance-chasing paparazzo, preying on the tragedy of others for some quick-and-gruesome footage to throw up on the local news. But when his hair is as heavily greased and slicked back as Gyllenhaal’s is in this role, the question of whether this freelance crime-journalist can find some redemption (even as he runs for his life) will loom very large.

Nightcrawler also stars Rene Russo and Bill Paxton and is directed by Dan Gilroy. It opens nationwide this Halloween.