See Hugh Jackman's bouncy Tony Awards opener

See Hugh Jackman's bouncy Tony Awards opener

Okay, so it wasn’t exactly a full opening number. But at least viewers finally found out why Hugh Jackman was bouncing up and down in his Tonys promo.

For Jackman’s opening routine at the Tony Awards last night, the host opted to forgo a full musical opening. (He’s done his fair share in the past — and, honestly, he probably couldn’t compete with Neil Patrick Harris’s showstopper from last year’s ceremony.)

Instead, showing off the endurance of the guy who brought Wolverine to screens, Jackman’s routine involved bouncing — everywhere and by everyone. Even Sting and Clint Eastwood got in on the fun.

Watch below, and stay for Jackman and Harris’ purposefully awkward elevator bit. Come on, Jackman, tell Harris you can host any show better than him.