Scarface Says He Tested Positive for Coronavirus

Scarface says he has tested positive for COVID-19. He revealed the news during a livestreamed interview with his Geto Boys colleague Willie D. Speaking over Zoom from his home, the Houston rap legend explained how he grappled with numerous other symptoms—vomiting, fever pneumonia, kidney failure—and before testing positive for coronavirus.

“Don’t play no games with it,” he warned. “I haven’t been nowhere. I’ve been in my house. I ain’t been on no planes, I ain’t been in no restaurants... People out there thinking this shit is a game? You don’t want to play with this.”

Scarface told Willie D that his condition has ameliorated enough to be allowed to recover at home. “I’m thinking I may be on the back end of it, because I’ve probably had it for so long. It’s been to the point where I’d be laying down and I couldn’t get comfortable because it was like an elephant sitting on my chest, bro. I could not breathe, I couldn’t sit up.”

As they closed their conversation, Scarface said, “This is something I want to leave everybody with: My life is real reserved. I don’t go nowhere.... I ain’t been to the Grand Canyon, I don’t go jump out of helicopters. But I’m finna go live now.... I’m just glad to be alive man. I can’t wait to go out and suck up some of this sunshine.”

Read Pitchfork’s recent 5-10-15-20 interview “Scarface on the Music That Made Him.”

Originally Appeared on Pitchfork