‘Saturday Night Live’ #TBT: What’s Up With That, Morgan Freeman?

Happy 80th birthday, Morgan Freeman! The Oscar-winning actor was born June 1, 1937 and went on to become a movie legend, with credits including Million Dollar Baby, Shawshank Redemption, Seven, Glory, Driving Miss Daisy, and the Dark Knight trilogy. But he’s never hosted Saturday Night Live (um, get on that, Lorne Michaels).

Freeman did, however, make a cameo in 2010 in the recurring “What’s Up With That?” segment. In the clip, he plays a guest on the talk show hosted by Kenan Thompson, alongside Ernest Borgnine and of course, Bill Hader’s Lindsay Buckingham.

As Freeman starts talking about the importance of family in education, he’s interrupted by the snare drum starting up. Freeman particularly sells the sketch with his stone-faced, “What in the hell is going on here?” expression as Thompson starts singing.

“‘They call it homework because it begins in the home,” Freeman notes.

“Mmm, it begins in the home!” Thompson belts out, as the running man (Jason Sudeikis) begins dancing.

Freeman just looks befuddled. And then host Bryan Cranston comes on in a wacky get-up to screech along. And the look on his face is priceless!

SNL returns for its 43rd season this fall.

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