Santa Fe County Commission chairwoman to lead national group

Aug. 10—Santa Fe County Commission Chairwoman Anna Hansen now has a national constituency.

Hansen was elected president of the Women of the National Association of Counties leadership network in July. The network provides professional development for female county officials nationwide.

Hansen, first elected to the Santa Fe County Commission in 2017, is in her second four-year term.

Former president of the network, Melissa McKinlay of Florida, said members discuss issues such as human trafficking prevention, domestic violence and other victim services, housing, workforce development, mental health and substance use services.

"Women have the special skill of being able to work across differences, including political ones, when it comes time to find solutions on issues that affect our health, our families and our communities," McKinlay said in a news release.

Hansen served as vice president of the network in 2022, as well as vice chair of two of its policy steering committees — one focused on the environment, energy and land use and another on arts and culture.

As vice president, Hansen sponsored resolutions in support of protection of pollinators, reauthorization of National Heritage Areas, legislation from Rep. Teresa Leger Fernández on historic tribal protection and protection of a safety board that provides recommendations on health and safety issues at Department of Energy defense nuclear facilities, according to a news release.

Hansen brings "a kind yet firm voice developed from decades of advocating for women across Santa Fe County, her state and our nation," McKinlay said. "I am confident, as a past president, that she will develop a cohesive legislative agenda that advances women and good leadership."