This sandwich shop found a creative way to lure in Liam Neeson

What do you do when a movie is filming in your town? You try to get the main star into your business, that’s what. A Canadian sandwich shop tried to get Liam Neeson to enjoy a sub or two when the owners realized that Hard Powder was filming close by. The drama thriller has a few other big names attached to it — like Emmy Rossum and Laura Dern — but their eyes were set on Neeson. We totally get it.

Neeson’s character in the movie is named Nels, and he likely gets hungry every once in awhile. The shop, called Big Star Sandwich Co. (how fitting) thought that the least they could do to lure him in was to give him a free sandwich.

While he reportedly didn’t eat there, he definitely took notice.

We can’t help but crack up at their caption:

They definitely have a sense of humor. After a fan criticized the quality of the picture, the shop noted that they “took the photo with a sandwich.” Now that’s good PR. (For the record, we think the photo is pretty incredible.)

The other side of the sign is also pretty funny, stating “Come in and get Taken away by our sandwiches.” Neeson starred in the film Taken back in 2008 — as well as the sequel in 2012, with the third installment hitting theaters in 2014.

It’s a shame that Neeson didn’t try a sandwich, since judging by their Instagram, they look pretty delicious.

Next time we’re in Canada, we’re stopping by for sure.