Samantha Bee Edits Trump Tweet to Call President a ‘Giant Baby’

Samantha Bee Edits Trump Tweet to Call President a ‘Giant Baby’

“Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” edited a tweet from Donald Trump on Monday, mocking him for being a “giant baby.”

“In light of Comey’s testimony, figured we’d fix this for you,” read a tweet from the TBS show’s official account, accompanied by a screenshot of Trump’s account featuring crudely drawn edits.

Trump’s original tweet came early on Monday morning and claimed “The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign. Big advantage in Electoral College & lost!”

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The tweet was altered to say “I made up and pushed the wiretapp [sic] story as an excuse for running a terrible administration. Big advantage in exec and legis branches but I’m a giant baby.”

Trump’s original tweet came ahead of Monday’ congressional hearing investigating the allegations that Russian operatives interfered in last year’s presidential election.

FBI director James Comey was among those who testified at the hearing and confirmed that the FBI found no evidence to support Trump’s earlier claim that Barack Obama wiretapped then-candidate Trump during the election.

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Earlier this month, Trump tweeted unsubstantiated claims that Obama had illegally wiretapped Trump Tower before last fall’s election. A Senate Intelligence Committee recently declared there is no evidence to support Trump’s claim.

“I have no information that supports those tweets,” Comey told the House Intelligence Committee on Monday, adding that the president does not have the authority to order the wiretapping of a private American citizen.

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