Sacha Baron Cohen Gets Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Admit He’d Take a ‘Blow Job’ From Donald Trump — Watch

Controversial former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio is clearly grateful that Donald Trump has handed him a presidential pardon. Convicted of criminal contempt for refusing to follow a court order preventing him from racial profiling, Arpaio was pardoned by Trump last fall. On Sunday’s episode of Showtime’s “Who Is America?” he touted his close, personal friendship with Trump.

Star Sacha Baron Cohen, in the guise of the Finland social media star “OMGWhizzBoyOMG,” somehow convinced Arpaio to sit down for an interview during what was touted as a toy unboxing videos. At first, the questions were about guns, or how rich Trump was. But soon, Cohen asked about the infamous alleged Trump pee pee tape. It’s not clear Arpaio understood what he was being asked.

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“Do you think Donald Trump, he’s your friend, that he might have had a golden shower?” Cohen asked. Arpaio’s repose: “It wouldn’t surprise me.”

“Oh I would love to have a golden shower. Do you think there’s a way you could get President Trump to give me a golden shower?” Cohen asked.

“I’ll tell you one thing, if he sees this and the way you’re speaking, he’s going to like you, because you think like he thinks,” Arpaio said. Keep in mind, Cohen is playing a mindless, vapid Finnish YouTube star at this point.

Cohen pushed it further: “My first job was a hand job from my mother, and it was newspapers. What was your first hand job?”

Responded Arpaio: “Let me say this, me, whatever I did in my life, I always do it extra. It gets me in trouble sometimes.”

Said Cohen: “You wanted to give the best hand job possible.”

Arpaio: “Extra, sometimes.”

Read More:‘Who Is America?’: Sacha Baron Cohen’s Pedophile Detector Beeps for Roy Moore — Watch

And now the kicker, from Cohen: “So if Donald Trump calls you up after this and says Sheriff Joe I want to offer you an amazing blow job would you say yes?”

Responded Arpaio: “I may have to say yes.”

Watch the full exchange below:

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