Tablet Ownership Doubled This Year in the U.S., Study Shows

As if it weren't already evident from the flood of new tablets on the gadget market, this was a good year for the devices.

Some 19 percent of Americans over the age of 18 own at least one tablet -- double last year's number, Forrester Research's annual report on technology consumption in the U.S. found. Engadget obtained a copy of the report.

That figure is slightly lower than Pew Research's numbers -- which found that 25 percent of Americans owned a slate.

The rate of adults using tablets aged 47 and up, by far the age demographic with the lowest level of technology adoption, also increased to 14 percent, twice the number recorded in 2011, Forrester found.

Indeed, it was a big year for tablets. Microsoft unveiled its much-awaited Surface. Apple launched (another) new iPad, the Mini. Amazon released its Kindle Fire. Even struggling electronics retailer Best Buy announced plans to create its own tablet -- and the list goes on.

Daily internet use also rose, Forrester found, with 84 percent of adults surfing the web each day, up from 78 percent last year. About half of those who said they used the internet daily also said they owned a smartphone of some kind.

Forrester conducted its research by surveying nearly 60,000 people in the U.S.

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