Sarah Silverman, Michael Cera, Tim & Eric, Reggie Watts Launch YouTube Channel

With a promise to "permanently delete all videos from YouTube" and start anew, alt-comedy masterminds Sarah Silverman, Michael Cera, Tim & Eric and Reggie Watts launched the new JASH YouTube comedy channel.

The HACHACHA production, led by producers Daniel Kellison, Doug DeLuca, Mickey Meyer and Fullscreen Inc., launched at South by Southwest and debuted with a high-gloss video in which a fake president of YouTube acknowledges that it has too much content and needs to start over.

JASH isn't an entirely fresh start, but does significantly up YouTube's comedy game by putting several highly respected comic names in one place. Silverman, Cera, Tim & Eric and Watts will also have their own JASH-affiliated channels.

The channel will offer comedians and artists not only a high-profile platform, but revenue sharing. It also offers financing, production resources, editing facilities and personnel to create quality online videos. It promises users complete autonomy to make short films, sketches, series, one-offs, talk-shows, animation and music videos.

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