Jeremy Renner Takes Aim At The Kardashians

Since breaking out in 2009's Oscar-winning The Hurt Locker, Jeremy Renner has sky-rocketed to The A-List, thanks to follow-up roles in The Avengers and The Bourne Legacy. But he was a struggling actor for years before those big breaks and takes umbrage with anyone who comes to Hollywood specifically with the aim of getting famous.

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In a new interview with UK's The Guardian, Renner rolls his eyes when the zenith of this trend, The Kardashians, are mentioned. From there, he launches into a mini-tirade against the clan. "Oh, all those ridiculous people with zero talent who spend their lives making sure everyone knows their name. Those stupid, stupid people."

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Renner is in good company when it comes to Kardashian bashing. Last November, Daniel Craig went on an expletive-filled rant about the family while Jon Hamm jumped into the fray this March, telling Elle UK the family makes stupidity "fashionable."

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