J. Lo: I Think It's Time I Left 'Idol'

Jennifer Lopez appeared on Today this morning to talk about her role in Ice Age 3: Continental Drift, but Natalie Morales steered the conversation towards American Idol and ended up getting a rather major admission from the two-time judge.

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"I think it's time for me to go," Jennifer said when asked if she'd return for the 2013 season. "It's a huge decision, but I have to say there are so many things I do that I put on hold for that. It's a heartbreaking decision if I have to go."

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When Natalie said that it seemed like Jennifer has already made the decision to exit, Jennifer replied, "Little by little I'm making up my mind. I love everybody, I love the guys, but I am thinking it’s time for me to go and do other things I love to do like films and journeys."

Do you think Jennifer Lopez should stick with Idol?

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