Carly Rae: I'm Not Trying to Look Younger

When Carly Rae Jepsen exploded onto the music scene with her bubblegum pop hit Call Me Maybe, plenty of people were surprised to learn that the Justin Bieber-approved singer was actually a 27-year-old woman and not a 16-year-old Britney Spears type circa Hit Me Baby One More Time.

But despite her little girl bangs and her penchant for sparkly frocks and even brightly colored tutu dresses on stage, Jepsen is insisting in a new interview with Cosmopolitan that she's not trying to be younger than she is.

Video: A 'Kiss' From Carly Rae Jepsen

"I love being classy and as elegant as possible in my apartment. But when I'm onstage, I can't dance in four-inch heels, so I'll generally sport flats," she explains. "I'm 5-foot-2, so yeah, I'm going to look a little bit more playful. But I don't think that means I'm trying for an age younger than I am," she insists.

And according to Jepsen, she does feel like she looks her age when she looks in the mirror.

"If people think I look younger, then that's great; I'm stoked," she says. "But I turned 27 in November, and when I look in the mirror, I see all of the years attached to that face, and I'm content with me."

Related: Hear Carly Rae Jepsen's Duet with Justin Bieber

Another thing she's perfectly content with?

Forever being associated with the Biebs thanks to the lip-syncing video he made viral, which practically introduced Call Me Maybe to the world.

"I never get tired of being asked about him," she says." I'm forever indebted to him for the lovely boost that he's given me."

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