Ryan Reynolds reveals 'one of the best parts' of playing Deadpool

Deadpool: Ryan Reynolds reveals 'one of the best parts' of playing character

Ryan Reynolds took a break from his usually humorous Deadpool social media posts to share a sweet message about “one of the best parts of playing the Big Red Jackass.”

As Deadpool 2 reportedly returned to Vancouver for some reshoots, the actor behind the Merc with a Mouth met with kids from the Make-A-Wish and Children’s Wish Foundations on the movie’s set.

“One of the best parts of playing the Big Red Jackass is welcoming @makeawishamerica and @childrenswishfoundation onto set,” he wrote on social media. “Deadpool kicked Cancer in the taint, but these kids do it for real every day. These foundations make dreams come true for a lot of of super-brave kids. They also make dreams come true for parents, who just wanna see their kid smile. HUGE thanks to our Prop Master, Dan Sissons, for making sure every kid left with his/her own sword. (Bamboo versions. Not stabby-stabby versions.)”

Deadpool 2, which also stars Josh Brolin and Zazie Beetz, arrives in theaters on May 18.