Ryan Reynolds Adds Bonus Snark to 'Deadpool' Honest Trailer

By Graeme McMillan, The Hollywood Reporter

ScreenJunkies’ popular “Honest Trailers” video series takes well-known movies and adds a healthy helping of snark — so what happens when the star of one of the movies adds another layer of snark on top of that? The Honest Trailer for Deadpool answers that question, thanks to some well-placed contributions from Ryan Reynolds himself.

Related: Ryan Reynolds and ‘Deadpool’ Team Really Reunited for That Erectile Dysfunction Ad Spoof

Reynolds’ involvement was the result of a Twitter conversation back in February between Deadpool co-writer Rhett Reese and ScreenJunkies creator Andy Signore. Signore told Mashable that things really got going when Reynolds himself followed him on Twitter and sent him a direct message.

Related: ‘Thor’ Screenwriter Responds to Honest Trailer Parody

“He said, ‘I’m super busy but what are you thinking?’,” Signore explained. “I sort of told him about what I was thinking. I said, 'How about I give you a couple of pages and if you like it and have time?’ Then I gave him my email and he emailed me. He was so nice and accommodating and made time.”

The result is a video in which Reynolds calls himself “Van Even Wilder” and interrupts the announcer after he compares the R-rated Fox hit to an extended episode of Family Guy: “Wait wait wait wait. Which season of Family Guy are we talking about?” (The fourth, apparently.)

Related: ‘Iron Man’ Honest Trailer: ‘B-List Superhero’ Played by a ‘Half-Forgotten Actor’

What’s next? Adam Driver popping up to take on Star Wars: The Force Awakens…?

‘Deadpool’ flashback: Ryan Reynolds Visits ‘Conan’ to Premiere Red-Band Trailer: