Russell Dickerson and Wife Kailey Count Their Blessings: 'I Don't Want to Forget This Moment' (Exclusive)

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As the "God Gave Me a Girl" singer celebrates a banner year for his career, he and wife Kailey are savoring the simple joys of life with their growing family

<p>Jason Davis/WireImage</p> Russell and Kailey Dickerson at the CMA Awards in Nashville on Nov. 8, 2023

Jason Davis/WireImage

Russell and Kailey Dickerson at the CMA Awards in Nashville on Nov. 8, 2023

This may be Russell Dickerson's biggest career year yet, but on a recent weekday morning, he and his wife, Kailey, are far more ecstatic over something else. The night before, their 11-week-old son, Radford, hadn’t awakened once, and newly potty-trained 3-year-old Remington made it through with a clean diaper.

“Everybody slept eight-plus hours,” Russell, 36, proclaims.

Nine hours,” Kailey, 33, blissfully amends.

“Beautiful,” says Russell, then savoring each syllable: "Bee-yew-tah-full."

Sitting in the bright and cheery kitchen of their suburban Nashville home, sipping from their Mr. Claus and Mrs. Claus coffee mugs, the couple are happy to talk about Russell’s new No. 1 single, his extended tour, and his recently released deluxe album. But clearly, this Christmas, the Dickersons are far more focused on simpler joys.

Such as the recent night out to see Home Alone, screened to the accompaniment of the Nashville Symphony (“one of the most magical dates we’ve ever had,” says Kailey). Or another evening they drove through neighborhoods showing the holiday lights to Remington, who’s beginning to understand Christmas. Or the morning Remington rounded the corner to his parents’ bedroom just to say, “Good morning, Mommy.”

“And then he goes, ‘Where’s Baby Rad?” Kailey recalls. “It was just one of those moments that I was like, this is it. These are the memories. Like the sound of his feet on the floor — just everything about it. I don’t want to forget this moment right here in time."

And clearly, this year has given them extra time and space to stop and count their blessings, a significant shift from 2022. Publicly, Russell was enjoying milestones — including coveted spots on Tim McGraw's tour and on the CMA Fest stadium stage — but the private stresses of juggling constant touring, along with album recording and team transitions, left him physically and emotionally exhausted.

“I just felt like I had no time to breathe,” says Dickerson, who already was well known in Nashville as one of the hardest working artists.

“Essentially, he was totally overextended and overworked,” adds Kailey, who has played an integral role in her husband’s career.

Then, in September 2022, what Russell calls “the tipping point” occurred: Kailey’s miscarriage of their much-wanted second pregnancy. Tour commitments kept them on the road through their trauma and grief.

“There was no one to step in and say, hey, we should cancel these shows so that you guys can mourn and recover,” says Russell. “It was just kind of keep going and don’t slow down because we’ve got shows to play … It was really rough."

<p>Thomas Heney</p> Russell Dickerson on tour

Thomas Heney

Russell Dickerson on tour

January finally offered a break, and they retreated to a Florida vacation spot for respite. “We were like, we have to just shut down,” Kailey recalls. “Don’t call us, don’t text us. We need to be alone and recalibrate.”

As they have through their entire 10-year marriage, the Dickersons leaned on each other and their faith. “You talk about God is good all the time,” says Russell, “but there are moments where you’re like, it’s hard to find that as a human. We don’t understand it. We don’t understand why. But you just keep trusting. That’s what faith is.”

In their search to find peace, they received an unexpected, perhaps even miraculous, sign. A woman — a complete stranger, who had no idea who they were — walked up to them on the beach and asked if she could pray for the couple. Open to such an act of faith, they consented.

“And she prayed for me to get pregnant,” says Kailey, her eyes still widening in astonishment.

Then she asked the couple if the word “headliner” meant anything to them. “She’s like, ‘I just see you. I see you as a headliner,” Kailey recalls. “She saw changes professionally coming. Some of the things seemed unbelievable.”

Ten days later, Kailey became pregnant. By May, Dickerson had made staff adjustments that finally allowed him to lessen his business responsibilities. Ever since, he says, “it’s been a great new season of beginning to have fun again.”

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It’s also been a new season of career accomplishments, with November ushering in a trifecta: Dickerson earned his fifth No. 1 with “God Gave Me a Girl,” yet another heart-stirring love song inspired by Kailey. He released The Afterparty Deluxe, an expanded version of his latest, self-titled album, with 10 new tracks that show off both his acoustic chops and the electricity of his live performances. And, perhaps most significantly, he headlined his first arena show, in Florida’s Fort Myers area.

“I’ve imagined this for so long,” says Dickerson. “Opening for Thomas Rhett and Lady A and Darius [Rucker] and Tim McGraw … I’m like … someday. And then it was just the most surreal feeling of walking into the arena and seeing my face on the sign. It’s a huge milestone for me that I’ll remember forever.”

Of course, the accomplishment that the Dickersons place above everything else is the birth of their second son, Radford Arthur. He arrived early, on Oct. 1, requiring Russell to rush home after a Kansas City concert. His tour bus dropped him off in time at the hospital.

Kailey explains that she’s the one who came up with the unique first name. She wanted the baby to be called “Rad,” but she felt he needed a more formal name, so she added the second syllable. Later, when she discovered the two syllables together mean “brave river crosser,” she immediately thought of the Bible’s wilderness wanderers who had to cross a river to enter the promised land.

“I just started crying,” she says, “and I was like, that’s exactly what it is. He did that with us.”

Related: Russell Dickerson and Wife Kailey Welcome Their Second Baby Boy, Son Radford Arthur: 'Dream Baby'

Last month, the couple returned to the Florida beach to celebrate and reflect on, as Kailey says, “one of the best years of our lives.” They couldn’t help but think of the stranger’s prayer.

“I looked at Russell,” Kailey recalls, “and I was like, ‘Honey, we’re sitting in everything she prayed for.’ You just headlined your first arena. I’m holding the baby she prayed for. All the personal change, the career change had happened. What seemed impossible, we were tangibly sitting in, and it was like one of the most out-of-body experiences."

<p>Thomas Heney</p> Russell Dickerson headlines his first show

Thomas Heney

Russell Dickerson headlines his first show

Today, as the couple prepares for Christmas, they’re adjusting to the new and different household rhythms of a foursome. For Remington’s infancy, Russell was up every night helping with baby duties.

“Now we have to divide and conquer a little more,” Kailey explains.

That means Russell gets to sleep so he can be up early to help Remington start his day. Kailey then sleeps in, Russell explains, so she can stay on "the Radford schedule.”

Remington, they say, is loving his new role as big brother.

“Obsessed,” says Kailey.

“Like, as soon as he wakes up,” says Russell, “I go get him out of bed and he’s like, ‘Is Radford awake? Can I hold him? Can I feed him?’”

Related: Russell Dickerson Raves About the Wooded Retreat He Calls Home — and How It Shaped His New Album

Plans for the holidays won't take the Dickersons from their home. Both sets of grandparents are nearby, and other family members will be making the trek to Nashville.

"Our family knows that we travel all year,” says Russell, “so you can come hang, eat our food, drink our booze, but we will be here.”

The house now boasts a 10-foot tree and other Christmas decorations, though Kailey says she didn’t pull out all the stops this year. “It’s not that we’re trying to be minimal,” she says. “We’re just trying to keep one baby happy and the other one from tearing it all down!”

Instead, she says, they’re intent on gathering experiences during the season. They’re already looking forward to their annual pasta night, courtesy of Russell’s Italian uncle, and “Carols with Carol” — their annual holiday sing-along around their grand piano with Russell’s mom, Carol, a longtime piano teacher, at the helm.

“It's so magical,” says Russell.

Next year's hubbub will be in full sway soon enough, starting with an extension of Dickerson’s successful “Big Wheels & Backroads” tour (and he hints that more arena dates are also in the works). Kailey has traveled with Russell on tour from the very beginning, but now with an infant and a preschooler, she’s having to be more strategic about when she goes on the road. (A grandmother always travels with the family to help out.) Kailey also has stepped back from her day-to-day role as her husband’s “chief creative officer,” so she can devote more time to momming. Also on her plate is her popular Coffee with Kailey lifestyle podcast, which recently hit a million downloads.

Their full schedules mean “a lot more communication, a lot more calendar placement,” says Russell. No doubt their lives are complicated. Still, when they think about what matters most, “it’s really just the simplest things,” says Kailey. “I read something once that if you have a nice, warm, safe place to sleep and healthy children to tuck in your bed, you’re the wealthiest people on the planet. And that’s how we feel, really.”

As for Russell, when he counts his blessings, he looks no farther than what’s right in front of him.

“Our babies,” he says. “And obviously, each other.”

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Read the original article on People.