Has RuPaul Had Plastic Surgery? See Before-and-After Photos of the Queen of Drag Over the Years

Ain’t no shame in the plastic surgery game. RuPaul is a living legend and has created pop culture’s most beloved televised competition, RuPaul’s Drag Race. The host, who goes by he, she or “Regis and Kathie Lee,” has always had a beat face, whether in drag or not, and has been open and honest about the plastic surgery procedures he’s had. The San Diego native revealed that he tuned up some “wear and tear” to the face, on season 1 of Good Work. “I’ve had fillers and Botox and I’ve had my teeth redone and electrolysis and lasers, but I’ve never been cut,” he listed. “I’m not opposed to it, if I ever had a break from work, I’d go under the knife and I’d have my face lifted.” Unsurprisingly, the queen of drag doesn’t see cosmetic procedures as taboo. Instead, he sees the beauty in plastic surgery and not just because of the fabulous results. After watching Botched surgeon Dr. Terry Dubrow perform a face-lift on a woman in an operating room, the fashion icon gained a newfound appreciation for the act. “I got to see where the human spirit met with the human body. It was such a beautiful experience, witnessing that place where it all happens. Our whole objective with the show is to guide people in the direction that is most helpful when it comes to taking care of their body,” he told The Cut in May 2015. “We live longer as humans today. No one has shame about putting on a new roof or rotating their tires. Somehow, in our Christian-Judeo background, we have shame about vanity.” Most people remain hush if they’ve gone under the knife or received enhancing injectables, mostly because of the negative talk or backlash they might face from their peers. When you’re a living icon and have been the talk of the town since basically forever, chatter from others won’t stop one from doing what they want to do. “People like to talk. As my mother said, ‘Ru — pay them bitches no mind unless they’re paying your bills,’” the “Supermodel” singer said. “Go for it. Whatever you want to do. So long as you don’t hurt anybody else. People are going to talk. Bitches are going to hate. But don’t let that stop you.” Anyway, enough of our chatter. Want to see RuPaul’s before-and-after plastic surgery pictures over the years? Keep scrolling to see the photos!