Rocsi Diaz Reveals Her No. 1 Beauty Secret!

ET's Rocsi Diaz is always on the go with a busy schedule of celebrity interviews and red carpet appearances, but she recently found time to become the latest celebrity partner of the Mark Cosmetics "10 to Watch" campaign. We've got a behind-the-scenes look at Rocsi's cover shoot for the brand, during which she also reveals her No. 1 beauty secret!

The "10 to Watch" campaign highlights inspiring women who are making their "mark" in the world and the Mark "magalog" (magazine+catalogue), which is available now. "It's so fly that mark encourages girls to go for it -- empowerment has been really important to my career -- to rock a big celebrity interview, I have to be fearless!" Rocsi said about joining mark.

"My personal style -- sporty, chic and classy -- is definitely me," she reveals in the photo shoot. "My number one beauty secret is to drink a lot of water. It's all about what you put into your body, which is what's going to radiate outside your body."

Given her top beauty secret, it's only fitting that Rocsi also recently took on another project -- the role of spokesperson for Aquaçai, a premium Artesian water extracted from the rainforest in Panama. The water is currently being sold in select U.S. cities, but will soon be hitting shelves nationwide!

Watch the video for more of Rocsi's cover shoot and beauty tips!

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