Rocky, Zack Fight Putties in Power Rangers: Once & Always Clip

Anyone who ever watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers surely remembers the Putty Patrollers, or the Putties, as they came to be called. They were somewhere between interpretive dancers and martial artists, but never a real threat to the Power Rangers. That was 30 years ago, and the original Rangers are a lot older now. However, in a new advance scene from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always, ex-Rangers Rocky DeSantos (Steve Cardenas) and Zack Taylor (Walter Jones) don’t let their age get in the way of beating up a few Putties.

IGN debuted this preview scene, which finds the Putties menacing Minh (Charlie Kersh), the teenage daughter of the original Yellow Ranger, Trini Kwan. It also happens to take place in the Angel Grove Juice Bar, the favorite hangout spot for the first team of Power Rangers. That’s why Zack takes this Putty attack personally.

RELATED: Former Power Rangers Reclaim Their Powers In Once & Always Preview

Strangely enough, Zack and Rocky never actually met on the original show because Jones was one of three cast members who walked over their pay, and Cardenas’ Rocky was one of three characters who replaced them. Regardless, they are both considered to be members of the first Mighty Morphin team.

It’s unclear in the preview scene if Rocky and Zack already have their Ranger powers restored at this point in the story, even after they teleported in. However, the Rangers typically avoided morphing when fighting the Putties. So if it’s not Morphin’ time, it’s time for Zack’s Hip-Hop Kido to make a comeback!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always will premiere on Netflix on April 19.

What did you think about Rocky and Zack taking on the Putties? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink

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