Robert Pattinson Reveals He Has 'So Many Terror Memories of the Paparazzi' After Twilight

Robert Pattinson‘s return to the spotlight with big box office movies has caused the actor to look back on his struggles with fame.

The actor, 33, will is soon set to star in two of the biggest films of his career: as Batman/Bruce Wayne in The Batman, and as the lead in Christopher Nolan‘s mysterious Tenet. Pattinson revealed he still had flashbacks to when he first gained massive fame with the Twilight franchise in an interview with British GQ published Wednesday.

“I have so many terror memories of the paparazzi,” Pattinson said. “And I still don full-on protective armour, hood up, hat down.”

Despite the leftover caution Pattinson lives with, the star said he’s grown fond of creating his own style and looks up to a certain rapper for inspiration.

Robert Pattinson | Rob Latour/Shutterstock
Robert Pattinson | Rob Latour/Shutterstock

“I wish I could dress like A$AP Rocky,” he admitted. “He just has serious style. We have been to quite a few different fittings together and I will see the craziest thing and really want to wear it, but look like a total moron.”

He continued, “Then we will go to the show and I will see Rocky in it and be like, ‘Jesus Christ, you can literally wear anything!'”

Pattinson has previously expressed he has fond memories of his time filming the movie series, revealing in April 2019 that he had rewatched The Twilight Saga: New Moon on the TV.

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Twilight | Summit
Twilight | Summit

It genuinely does have an incredible good soundtrack,” Pattinson told USA Today. “I completely forgot, but the soundtracks were quite ahead of their time.”

Pattinson and then-girlfriend and costar Kristen Stewart faced massive media attention over their on-screen and off-screen relationship at the time.

“It’s lovely now that the mania is not so intense,” Pattinson told the newspaper. “People come up [to me] and just have very fond memories of it. It’s a really sweet thing. I think the only scary part was right in the thick of it all when it was very, very intense.”

He added, “Now the intensity has died down and it’s just very warm memories.”