Rob Zombie releases unnerving teaser for new film 3 From Hell

Rob Zombie releases unnerving teaser for 3 From Hell

How metaphorical is the title of writer-director Rob Zombie‘s new horror film, 3 From Hell, the third film to feature the rock star’s psychopathic characters Otis, Baby, and Captain Spaulding? Good question. Zombie introduced the trio of killers — who are played by Bill Moseley, Sheri Moon Zombie, and Sid Haig — in his debut movie, 2003’s House of 1,000 Corpses. They returned to wreak more bloody mayhem in 2005’s The Devil’s Rejects, at the end of which the three characters were seemingly shot to death by police. So, it is quite possible that they may literally be returning from hell in Zombie’s latest movie.

3 From Hell also stars Danny Trejo, Clint Howard, and E.T. and Cujo actress Dee Wallace. Zombie’s other directorial credits include the 2007 remake of John Carpenter’s Halloween, that film’s 2009 sequel Halloween II, and 2012’s The Lords of Salem.

Zombie released the first teaser for 3 From Hell earlier Monday. Watch that footage below:

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