RIP Keith Giffen, Legendary Comics Artist and Writer

Cover of Lobo by Keith Giffen and Alan Grant Volume 2
Cover of Lobo by Keith Giffen and Alan Grant Volume 2

On the eve of this year’s New York Comic Con, some sad news—but delivered by its subject himself in wry style. According to a post on his official Facebook page that was reposted on his X account, legendary comic book artist Keith Giffen—co-creator of Marvel’s Rocket Raccoon and DC’s Lobo—has passed away.

In addition to his work helping create two of the comic world’s most cult-beloved characters—Rocket Raccoon, of course, rose to new prominence in recent years thanks to James Gunn’s trilogy of Guardians of the Galaxy movies—Giffen’s long list of titles included DC’s Legion of Super-Heroes and Justice League books; he also worked in other mediums, serving as a storyboard artist on animated shows including The Real Ghostbusters.

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