Ricky Gervais on Why He Continues to Return to Hosting the Golden Globes Year After Year

Comedian and actor Ricky Gervais is no stranger to the Golden Globes. The Office creator and star has personally won the prestigious award, as well as, hosted the event.

Gervais will be coming back for a fifth time to host, which should be entertaining for the 200 million viewers, but perhaps not so much so for celebrities and those in attendance.

This is because Gervais has always treated hosting the Golden Globes as a roast of some sort. His use of jokes on controversial topics and people like Caitlyn Jenner have either made him a fan favorite or someone people despise.

Either way, Gervais will be hosting in what should be a great time at the Globes. He recently sat down with The Hollywood Reporter and shared his experience with the event and why he keeps coming back to host.


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Decision to Host the Golden Globes for the First Time

Gervais was asked about the decision to host the Golden Globes for the first time. For the comedian and actor, it was an opportunity to be the first presenter at the event. No one had previously hosted the Globes.

"It's complicated. I did it the first time because I couldn't believe I was asked," he shared. "They had never had a presenter. I thought, 'Oh, this is great.' I didn't know what it was like. I had no expectations. I'd won a couple of Golden Globes, so I had been and it was a nice party. I realize it's much better to be at than perform at because you've got no pressure."

But beyond having little to no pressure during the event, Gervais personally enjoys the experience because it gives him a chance to take shots at the big egos in the room.

Why Has Gervais Returned Year After Year to Host?

When asked why he comes back year after year, Gervais provided a hilarious response. "Because it's fun, it's fun! That first time I did it, [I thought], "Do I pander to the 200 privileged egos in the room, or do I try and entertain a global audience of 200 million people sitting at home who aren't winning awards?" he said.

For Gervais, he wants to create a lively and enjoyable experience for everyone, not just the ones sitting in the room, waiting to have their names called.

"I try and make it a spectator sport. I try and play the outsider. It would be nauseating for me to come out and go, 'Hey, George, how you doing, thanks for letting me use your villa. Hey, Brad, see you tonight, yeah?' It's horrible. I've got to be the bloke sitting at home who shouldn't have been invited. That's who I've got to be."

The Makings of Bulletproof Jokes

And true to his profession, as soon as Gervais gets the nod that he'll be hosting, he gets to work right away writing his jokes. According to Gervais, he knows that he must make them 'bulletproof' in this day and age.

"I start writing immediately. Before I decide to do it, I have to go, 'Have I got anything? What's happened?' … I write jokes and they're considered and I make sure they're bulletproof," he explained.

"Nowadays, you've got to make sure they're bulletproof in 10 years' time, with people going through saying, 'He said this once, 10 years [ago].' Kevin Hart [lost] his job [as Oscars host] for 10-year-old tweets that he said he was sorry about and deleted at the time. So there's more pressure on making [the jokes bulletproof]. It's the world [watching]. This isn't me in a comedy club."

The Decision to Go After People or Situations with Jokes

In previous years, he's gone after Caitlyn Jenner and the fatal accident she was involved in, as well as, other controversial topics. As for this year, can we expect more of the same with jokes written about particular individuals?

"Well, I don't think this time [any] individuals are. I think I'll go after the general community," Gervais revealed. "I'd go after cinema and I'd go after television and I'd go after actors and I'll go after pretension and hypocrisy. You know what I mean?"

"I'd go after those big, nebulous things where they can all feel I'm not picking on any one person. I'm never going to point to someone and say, 'You had a bad year, mate,' you know?"

It's safe to say, though, whoever or whatever is in his crossfire, you can bet it will be thoroughly entertaining.