Rick and Morty Season 4 Comic-Con footage reveals Taika Waititi as new character Glootie: Watch

Adult Swim has let loose the first footage of Season Four for Rick and Morty. The short clip previews a new character named Glootie, who’s voiced by director Taika Waititi, as confirmed by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon at San Diego Comic-Con 2019.

Roiland and Harmon initially confirmed Waititi’s involvement earlier this week while speaking to Entertainment Weekly. In the same interview, they also added that the season would feature other guests such as Sam Neill, Paul Giamatti, and Kathleen Turner.

They even teased the possibility of seeing superfan Kanye West.

“We’re trying to schedule something,” Roiland confirmed. “It’s not going to be for this batch coming up. But we love the idea of doing something with him. It’s just a discussion of what exactly that is, and then sitting down and talking with him. He had to reschedule, and then we had to reschedule. We need to sit down and chat about it. But it’s a very sincere and legitimate offer when we threw that out.”

As for what fans might expect story-wise, they naturally kept mum. However, they did confirm the reappearance of Mr. Meeseeks, and stressed that this forthcoming season won’t be as serialized as Season Three.

“Without giving anything away, we have serialized stuff we check in on now and then that’s sprinkled over the top of strong episodic episodes,” Roiland added. “To fans of the show, they’re going to want to watch them in order.”

Let all that information simmer as you watch the clip below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlgZi1UHk_E?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent&w=806&h=454]

Despite its slow production schedule, Ricky and Morty has proved to be a cash and ratings cow for Cartoon Network, which renewed the cult smash last summer for a massive 70-episode run. The fourth season returns with 10 episodes this November.

Rick and Morty Season 4 Comic-Con footage reveals Taika Waititi as new character Glootie: Watch
Michael Roffman