Richard Dreyfuss’s Son Alleges Kevin Spacey Groped Him When He Was 18

Richard Dreyfuss’s son, actor Harry Dreyfuss, has come forward with new allegations that Kevin Spacey groped him while he was at Spacey’s apartment with his father.

According to Dreyfuss’s account for Buzzfeed News, his father was working on the play “Complicit” at the Old Vic with Spacey, and the two Dreyfusses had gone to Spacey’s apartment to run lines. Dreyfuss had met the actor once previous to the encounter, and described being nervous but excited when he met him for the first time.

“The first time I met him, he put all my worries to rest,” Dreyfuss wrote. “He saw me and his eyes lit up. He gave me such a warm smile, and instead of shaking my hand, he gave me a hug. Instantly, my young-man-perpetually-seeking-father-figures heart melted. All I remember thinking was you’re so nice.

After some time passed at the apartment during which Spacey asked Dreyfuss how his Christmas had been, Dreyfuss ended up sitting next to Spacey on a couch while reading lines with Richard.

“After a few minutes, he put his hand on my thigh,” Dreyfuss wrote. At that point, he became suspicious.

“It took that long because it just never occurred to me that Kevin would be interested in me in the first place. He was an adult man, a hero of mine, my dad’s boss, none of which were categories on my radar for sexual interactions. Besides, I thought, Surely he can’t be coming on to me like this right in front of my dad. But his hand stayed there.”

Dreyfuss said he rose and moved to the other side of the couch, but, “without missing a beat,” Spacey followed, sat just as close, and placed his hand back on Dreyfuss’s thigh.

According to Dreyfuss, Richard did not notice the interaction because he was too engrossed with his script. Dreyfuss again rose and moved to a different side of the couch, and placed both his hands on his own thighs so that Spacey wouldn’t be able to touch him again.

“Once again Kevin followed me, sat down, and with considerable effort, slid his hand between my right hand and my right leg,” Dreyfuss wrote. “Over the course of about 20 seconds, centimeter by centimeter, Kevin crawled his hand from my thigh over toward my crotch. My mind went blank. Suddenly, he had completed his journey and now he had all of me in his hand. I stopped reading the script and my eyes went wide. I lifted up my head and faced him. Looking into his eyes, I gave the most meager shake of my head that I could manage.”

Dreyfuss said he didn’t take more drastic action when he was allegedly groped because he thought he was protecting his dad’s career, and preventing his father from hurting Spacey, which Dreyfuss believed he would have done if he had noticed. He also thought he was protecting any future prospects of working with Spacey.

While Dreyfuss wrote he can’t remember how long they stayed like that, “What I do remember is that, other than being a shy kid who obviously admired Kevin Spacey a lot, I never once gave him a signal that I would want to be with him in that way.”

Dreyfuss explained that he took so long to come forward because for a long time, he saw his experience with sexual abuse as “relatively minor.”

“As the allegations against Harvey Weinstein came rolling in, and so many women I know posted their stories of sexual abuse during the #MeToo campaign, I came to see how important it is to add my voice to the people who are demanding a better world,” he stated. “A world in which powerful men are no longer allowed to feel safe to do this, or far worse. In retrospect, what disgusts me about Kevin was how safe he did feel. He knew he could fondle me in a room with my father and that I wouldn’t say a word. He knew I wouldn’t have had the guts. And I didn’t.”

Since actor Anthony Rapp accused Kevin Spacey of behaving inappropriately towards him in another BuzzFeed post, multiple men have come forward alleging Spacey has behaved inappropriately with him. “House of Cards,” which Spacey stars in, will end with its sixth season, and Netflix recently announced Spacey will not participate in the season. They are also no longer moving forward with the Gore Vidal biopic that was set to star the actor. Scotland Yard has also launched an investigation into an alleged incident of sexual assault by Spacey.

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