This 'Reverse-Eating' Cam Is Backing Up On People

Let's Not Go There

Who needs to see images of people "reverse eating"? This doesn't mean throwing up, thankfully, but it means we get to see uneaten food come back out of people's mouths, and it's just gross.

It's the "reverse-eating cam," and it's been seen at several basketball games, much to everyone's chagrin.

The Reverse-Eating Cam Is Disgusting

This cam has been used at Milwaukee Bucks basketball games, and it works like this.

There are cameras positioned around the stadium that capture video of fans eating, and then the video is played back on the arena's 60 displays.

For even more perspective, according to, the Milwaukee Bucks' center video display is the largest in the NBA.

Watch Me Make This Food Reappear

"This is a WEIRD cam, Milwaukee," wrote @jeskeets.

Yes. Yes it is.

It's almost like fans are performing magic tricks, making fully formed and uneaten food appear from the inside of their bodies. It's something nobody asked for.

We're Not Hungry For This Video Trick

Another side effect of the reverse-eating cam is that people are seen looking at the food that's either going into or coming out of their mouths, and they don't seem bothered at what it all looks like.

Of course they wouldn't be bothered, because they wouldn't expect a camera to catch them apparently regurgitating pizza, hot dogs and nachos.

Time to table the reverse-eating cam.