This Restaurant Is Hosting a Bird Box-Themed Dinner Where You Eat Tacos Blindfolded

The Bird Box challenge has gone viral, and this restaurant wants in on the action.

Guac y Margys, a margarita bar in Atlanta, couldn’t resist the opportunity to host their very own dinner inspired by the hit Netflix movie starring Sandra Bullock.

On Jan. 24 from 7-8:30 p.m., the eatery will offer customers tacos and margaritas with a twist—everyone has to stay blindfolded.

A ticket will get you two tacos, one dip and one margarita of the restaurant’s choice, and customers will have to guess what exactly they are eating, according to the event description.

If a customer guesses correctly, they will get a free homemade cookie for dessert, “or maybe it won’t be a cookie at all…,” the restaurant joked.

The special event will only host 42 people, so start buying now if you want to join in the craze. General admission tickets are selling for $30 and if not sold out, the price purchase the day of is $35.

Recently, Netflix put out a statement urging viewers not to try the Bird Box challenge at home, however, it hasn’t stopped many people, including Guac y Margys.

RELATED: Don’t Try This at Home! Netflix Urges Bird Box Fans Not to Attempt Viral Blindfold Challenge

Luckily, the blindfolded meal does not seem like there will be any moving around or strenuous activity involved.

Good luck, and no peeking!