Relax! First Reactions To Star Wars: The Force Awakens Are Very Positive!


On Monday, J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: The Forces Awakens made its Hollywood premiere, and the first reactions are pouring in from all over. You can relax, they are overwhelmingly positive. Let's take a look!

"1st Star Wars review: it was epic, awesome & perfect. The cast was stellar. JJ killed it!," Rainn Wilson from The Office tweeted.

Lana tweeted, "...That was awesome!"

"Yes, I wept next to Paul Lee. Pretty sure he won't judge me too harshly cause he was choked up too", wrote Adam F. Goldberg, the creator of ABC's The Goldbergs. "Ranking: 1. Empire Strikes Back. 2. Force Awakens. 3. A New Hope. 4. Return of the Jedi. 5 - 8 Prequels. Thank you JJ."

"Among its many wonderful qualities, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS passes the Bechdel test," tweeted Rebecca Keegan of the L.A. Times. "Story, characters, design, humor -- #StarWars fans, this is the movie you're looking for."

Daily Beast's Jen Yamato beamed, "The Force Awakens is soooo Star Wars, and Daisy Ridley is the business, and Star Wars."

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoke to my every emotion," proclaimed Germain Lussier of io9. "Most of them good, a few not, but overall it was an amazing, overwhelming experience."

"Need to see THE FORCE AWAKENS again to properly judge the film. Was practically shaking in my seat while it played," admitted Frosty of Collider. "Not going to say much till I see it again but rest assured THE FORCE AWAKENS is the best STAR WARS since 1983...maybe 1980."

"Bombastic! Epic!" exclaimed Flaurent Soki. "Now I know what movie going to win for best visual effect! Star Wars The Force Awakens is the revival of a new hope. It was a triumphing success. You're going to love it. Congrats JJ!"

"I have some more complicated thoughts on TFA, but will save them for the review," wrote Eric Vespe of AICN. "Some faults, but no doubt best Star Wars film since '83."

"From comedy to costumes, fights to fx to overall feel, J.J. Abrams has created a thoroughly old-fashioned movie," praised Steven Zeitchik of the L.A. Times. "Order of cast prominence, in ascending order 5) Driver 4) Boyega 3) BB-8 2) Ford 1)Ridley."

"STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS is a strong, promising kickoff," Josh Dickey of Mashable wrote. "As a standalone, I'd rank it #3 in the series."

"Might be the best blockbuster since the original," Brett Morgen declared. "Delivers on every level."

"#StarWars #TheForceAwakens is propulsive, funny, exciting, and Adam Driver is an incredible new villain," Wenceslas Bibbiani of Crave Online shared. "It's mostly great. Mostly."

"Holy crap, that Star Wars: The Force Awakens is so good in the best old-school way!" cheered Shonda Rhimes.

"I loved it!" exclaimed Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld. "It's a fantastic ride full of great emotion and spectacle! One last thing --- The Force Awakens very much occupies the creative space and feel of the Original Trilogy. Wonderful continuation."

"As someone who doesn't speak the language of STAR WARS, I def. liked FORCE AWAKENS but I still don't quite 'get it,'" Jeff Sneider of The Wrap tweeted. "Fans will be pleased. To me, THE FORCE AWAKENS felt a bit like a pilot, as it has to introduce lots of characters. But I WILL say I'm LEGIT excited for Episode 8."

"STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS is ok. I know it's poetry, I know it rhymes, but does every line have to rhyme with the last poem?" asked Devin Faraci of BMD. "THE FORCE AWAKENS proves JJ Abrams is an auteur: once again we have great characters, propulsive fun, sort of sh-tty, dumb story."

In this continuation of the Star Wars saga, balance returns to the Force as the First Order, emerging from the ashes of the Empire, clashes with the Resistance, which includes scrappy newcomers as well as heroes from the former Rebel Alliance.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens in U.S. theaters on December 18.