Recap: 'Chucky' gets baptized and brings back a familiar face in Season 2, Episode 5

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Resurrection is the name of the game in the fifth episode of Chucky's second season.

Very fitting as the hit show on SYFY and USA Network swings back to the religious halls of Incarnate Lord, where our young heroes continue to grapple with Charles Lee Ray and his talent for leaving bloodshed in his wake. But even with so many killer dolls running around the property where a young Chucky once came of age decades before, one doll containing a piece of the man's wicked soul has recanted their murderous ways and set off down a path of righteousness.

Glen Chucky YT
Glen Chucky YT

Who is Glen/Glenda? Meet Chucky and Tiffany's troubled only child (and gift giver extraordinaire)


After last week's murder mystery extravaganza, Episode 5 returns us to Incarnate Lord, where the brainwashed — and truly repentant — version of Chucky (hereafter referred to as "Good Chucky") and Swole Chucky throw down in Father Bryce's office.

Devon (Björgvin Arnarson) would prefer to see the two dolls to kill each other off, but Jake (Zackary Arthur) has developed a soft spot for Good Chucky, owing to his guilt over Gary's death in the Season 2 premiere. If he can forgive his foster brother's killer, perhaps he can finally discover a bit of moral solace.

Good Chucky gains the upper hand and pins Swole Chucky to the wall with knives, seemingly killing the buff interloper. After the fight, Devon and Jake gain entrance to the office. The latter takes the battered Good Chucky away to nurse the warrior's wounds, while the former begins to unpin Swole Chucky from the wall.

Unfortunately, Father Bryce (Devon Sawa) walks in at that very moment, believing Devon to be in the middle of an act of religious blasphemy. The priest sentences the boy to the chapel and instructs him to read the Bible until further notice. Upstairs, a traumatized Lexy (Alyvia Alyn Lind) is talked out of continuing her drug habit by an understanding Nadine (Bella Higginbotham). They also discover that Trevor's mutilated corpse has mysteriously gone missing from their bedroom closet.

Father Bryce later summons psychiatrist Dr. Mixter (Rosemary Dunsmore) to the school and lets her know that he's seriously considering expulsion for Devon, whom he claims is beyond their help. Mixter disagrees, however, asserting that she can still turn the teen's life around. Sister Ruth (Lara Jean Chorostecki) disposes of Swole Chucky, who later reanimates and bends the nun (Ruth believes that a living doll is a sign that Jesus has returned to the mortal realm) to his will.

Back in Beverly Hills, Glen (Lachlan Watson) continues to be haunted by the nightmare of Joan's (Hannah Spearritt) death in Seed of Chucky. Glen confronts their mother (Jennifer Tilly), who's still salty about the fact that her own child helped Nica (Fiona Dourif) escape.

We also learn that Tiffany's been keeping the soul of the real Jennifer Tilly trapped inside the Tiffany Valentine doll (yes, we know it's all a bit confusing), forcing the captive actress to sign checks and keep the money rolling in by way of her recurring role as Bonnie on Family Guy. With Meg Tilly still lingering about, Tiffany attempts to pass herself off as Jennifer, and when this doesn't work, murders Meg in front of a distraught Tilly. Tiffany apologizes to Glen for all the lies, explaining that everything she's done was to provide a better life for her children. She gifts the twin with the Glen/Glenda doll from Seed and they proceed to burn the house down and drive off.

Hoping to put an end to all the madness, Devon and Lexy peek inside the Incarnate Lord chapel, where Jake and Nadine baptize Good Chucky in an effort to absolve the reformed killer of his past transgressions. Realizing that Jake has begun to lose touch with reality, the duo strike out on their own, hoping to uncover the identity of the mysterious "Colonel" figure that's been sending Chucky after Chucky into the school to do their sinister bidding.

Devon and Lexy end up following a gruesome trail of dismembered Good Guy parts to a remote cabin in the middle of the woods. Peering inside, they catch a glimpse of Dr. Mixter and, more surprisingly, Andy Barclay (Alex Vincent), who's still alive, but in a bad way.

He's completely disheveled and kept hostage — not to mention regularly tortured — by the bald Chucky we saw back in the season premiere. Now rocking a macabre necklace of severed ears, the hairless doll has gone full Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now (right down to Brad Dourif impersonating Kurtz as Chucky). In other words, he's the mysterious "Colonel." The horror...the horror...

New episodes of Chucky premiere on SYFY and USA Network every Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET. 

The complete first season is now streaming on Peacock. If you'd like to watch the new season for free, click here for our guide on how to watch three episodes at no cost.

Chucky Season 2
Chucky Season 2

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