‘All I Really Want Is My Family To Accept Me For Who I Am,’ Says Man Who Was Placed For Adoption At Birth

‘All I Really Want Is My Family To Accept Me For Who I Am,’ Says Man Who Was Placed For Adoption At Birth

Lorie was 15 when she placed her son, John, for adoption at birth. She and John, who is now 26, reunited in 2017, a few years after finding one another on social media.

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Lorie’s husband, Dan, claims her relationship with John is “creepy.” He claims they hug, kiss, cuddle and behave more like girlfriend-boyfriend than mother and son.

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Dan also claims that John has physically attacked Lorie about a dozen times since coming back into her life. Lorie acknowledges that John has hit, bitten and choked her in the past, but says she doesn’t believe he is a danger to her and adamantly denies their relationship is inappropriate.

John, who was diagnosed on the autism spectrum at age 4, admits he has problems with aggression and acknowledges having had physical altercations with both Lorie and Dan. He adamantly denies there is anything inappropriate about his relationship with Lorie.

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“All I really want is my family to accept me for who I am,” says John in the video above, adding, “My greatest fear is one day I’ll wake up, and they’ll all be gone.”

Check here to find out where you can watch Monday’s episode.

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