What Was Really Happening with Justin Timberlake Holding Hands with Alisha Wainwright

The former pop star turned actor has found himself in some hot water with wife, Jessica Biel, and people on social media as multiple pictures have shown Timberlake holding hands and engaging in other affectionate acts with costar, Alisha Wainwright after going out for drinks. Since the release of the photos, Timberlake has issued formal apologies to both his wife and to fans, explaining that there was nothing nefarious going on with Wainwright. Yet, there is a lot to unravel here. So what is really going on between the two and what do the pictures show?


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What Was Happening in the Pictures

While filming the movie, Palmer, which is the story of a former football player who comes back to his hometown after serving time in prison, Timberlake and Wainwright seemingly took a little break from the action and went off to the Absinthe House, located on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. During this little rendezvous, the two were photographed getting a little too cozy together including holding hands and having Wainwright's hand on Timberlake's thigh. The two had obviously been drinking by the amount of glasses in front of them.

Timberlake Issues an Apology

What's interesting here is that Wainwright plays the love interest of Timberlake in Palmer. Regardless, Timberlake has issued an official apology to his wife, Jessica Biel, and to fans to clear up any wrongdoing. In an Instagram post, Timberlake wrote, "A few weeks ago I displayed a strong lapse in judgment — but let me be clear — nothing happened between me and my costar." While this certainly was a start, you'd have to assume more is need on his part, directly with Biel, especially since they have noted that there has been a rough patch in their marriage, as of late.

Social Media Reaction to Photos and Apology

People on social media had mix reactions about the whole ordeal, with some coming to Timberlake's defense, and others, not really knowing what to think. One person posted, "Mistakes happen. You are awesome." Another said, "It's all good J! You're human!!!" Once the news got to Twitter, though, things started to get a little bit more feisty. One Twitter user said, "How Justin Timberlake gonna write like 5 songs about Britney Spears cheating on him like 20 years ago and then cheat on his wife.. his WIFE! Like he didn’t used to have ramen noodle hair and was the main star of the less superior boy band of the 90s. The audacity."

The Future of Justin and Jessica's Marriage

On the surface, it doesn't seem like more than some shameless flirting and perhaps, inappropriate gestures towards Wainwright. However, he is married to Biel and needs to act accordingly, as a husband and a father. Marriages aren't always easy and it's likely that things between Timberlake and Biel will get more testy before they're better, but hopefully the two will be able to work out whatever is causing this little riff in their relationship for the betterment of their marriage and children.