Readers sound off on animals as entertainment, Biden’s Gaza stance and Christie campaign’s end

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‘Stupid’ new show mistreats animals for kicks

Manhattan: TBS’ new show “Stupid Pet Tricks,” based on an old David Letterman segment and produced by Letterman, forces animals to entertain viewers by performing silly stunts. It’s animal exploitation played for laughs. Animals do not exist for our amusement, and the trade of wild animals in particular is fraught with suffering.

Trailers show a macaw moving across the floor with plastic rollers strapped to its feet, a lizard popping bubbles and a fox-like animal on a tight leash jumping for food.

Wild animals don’t belong on the stage or in our homes. The global wildlife trade is driving the extinction of countless species. Each year, millions of animals are captured from their natural habitats or bred in captivity just to be shipped around the world and sold online or in stores as “pets” like accessories. Many animals suffocate and die in transit before they even reach pet stores.

Concerns over animal cruelty brought down Ringling Bros. seven years ago after people learned the terrible truth about the suffering that elephants and tigers endure under the big top. Today, eight states and 177 cities and counties have banned or restricted the use of wild animals in traveling shows.

“Stupid Pet Tricks” is peddling the same kind of cruelty, just dressed up differently. Wild animals are not entertainers. We urge TBS to take a note from the dozens of circuses that have dropped animal acts and get out of the animal exploitation business, too. Jeanne Turkheimer, World Animal Protection US

Easier on the eyes

Oak Ridge, N.J.: Regarding Voicer Joan Tully’s remarks about too much Taylor Swift at the game: I’d much rather see her than the too-often-shown shirtless drunken idiots screaming at their team. Jim Heimbuch

Candy crush

Manhattan: To Voicer Frank Mauceri: Yes, I too went to Barbara Ann’s Candy Store across the street from St. Barbara’s Church in Bushwick in the 1950s. The biggest dilemma I had to face was deciding how much of the 15 cents my mother gave me to put in the donation basket during Mass would I actually save for the candy cigarettes, Bazooka bubble gum, candy buttons and licorice sticks waiting to be devoured right across the street. It was the lure of the two Barbaras that determined how much of a saint or sinner I was every week. Needless to say, that struggle never made it into my confession. Bea (Cicio) Tusiani

Sweets infestation

Briarwood: To Voicer Timothy Collins: Regarding your letter that maggots don’t eat candy, I beg to differ. Many years ago, my husband bought a chocolate peanut butter cup and ate half. When he was ready to eat the other half, he noticed — yup, you guessed it — squirming maggots. He just couldn’t get rid of that bad taste in his mouth. I carry around the visual when I’m reminded of it. Patricia Nuzzi

Legitimate violence

Palm Coast, Fla.: To Voicer James Bannerman: Should I look up the meaning of the word genocide? Are there gas chambers in Gaza? Yours is one of the most ignorant letters printed yet. As for the Jewish Defense League, where do I sign up? Douglas Weinberg

Sanctioning murder

Woods Cross, Utah: President Biden has been tooting his horn lately about pushing Israel to slow down the rate of civilian deaths in Gaza. This is disgusting mendacity and opportunism. For months, he was all about full steam ahead with Israel’s plan to blast civilian buildings to get at the bad guys hiding there. Now his plan is to make sure we take 12 months to get to 30,000 children dead instead of only six months? Wow, Mr. President, do you think you will be up for a Nobel Peace Prize for your humanitarian policy to slow down maternal and infant mortality rates among Muslims? These women and children do not have to be dying at all, but you are still greenlighting their continuing deaths with your “no ceasefire” nonsense. Muhammad, the founder of the Muslim religion, ended female infanticide in Arabia, but you are bringing it back. Some hero you are. Kimball Shinkoskey

Race consideration?

Williamsburg, Va.: Why is President Biden allowing Lloyd Austin to remain as secretary of defense when Austin placed the entire country at risk by not informing Biden and his chain of command of his whereabouts? The answer is simple: Biden can not afford to fire Austin because he is Black, and firing Austin would cause additional loss of Black votes when African-American support for Biden is at an all-time low. If the secretary of defense was white, you bet Biden would have fired him in a heartbeat to show he is not weak. It is a damn shame when race interferes with the safety of our nation. John Lemandri

Stand-up guy stands down

Peters Township, Pa.: The suspension of Chris Christie’s presidential race is not surprising, but it is sad. Failing to gain significant traction in any state, Christie had little choice but to drop out. He chose to leave before facing the possibility of humiliating defeats in states where ballots are cast early. Christie was the only candidate to take on the behemoth frontrunner Donald Trump and to state the truth, prominently featuring his consistent stance that Biden won the race fair and square in 2020. His harsh criticism of Trump was particularly hard-hitting for those of us who admire him, given how well he knows Trump and that Christie supported him until Election Night 2020. Christie loves his country and supports democracy. He can hold his head high as he departs the race. His challenge to Trump was late, but better late than never. Oren Spiegler

Voters scorned

Hicksville, L.I.: I would like to remind Voicer Stan Rosenson that many of those Trump supporters he labeled MAGAts were Democrats who were kicked to the curb by a party that went way left and could care less about them. These are the same people who voted Democrat since FDR. There was a time when Democrats were actually the party of the working class. No more. Your party has shown utter disdain for them, starting with Barack Obama’s “clinging to guns and religion” statement and Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” comment. Your party created Trump, and instead of insulting them, maybe push your party to come up with policies that help the people in middle America who are suffering through higher rates of opioid overdoses, alcoholism and poverty than the rest of the country. Give them a reason to come back. John Gelormino


San Luis Obispo, Calif.: Judge Arthur Engoron is a holographic, politicized interpretation of himself. Kevin Moriarty

Intolerable influx

Staten Island: As a graduate of James Madison High School, I am outraged at Mayor Adams, the DUMocrats, the president and everyone who voted for them. This dangerous decision to throw students out of their school to move migrants into it (“Nearly 2,000 migrants at Floyd Bennett evacuated,” Jan. 10) is a slap in the face to every American. Placing migrants at Floyd Bennett Field was not very smart from the beginning — the clowns who put them there were told it was not a viable location. But none of the DemocRATS would listen to common sense. Now the residents of New York are being subjected to thousands of migrants roaming their neighborhoods, stealing and knocking on residents’ doors asking for money. Let’s do the only thing that will stop it: Put them all on buses and send them to the White House and Rehoboth Beach, Del. Tony Anastasio

Irresponsible spending

Rockaway, N.J.: The MTA wants congestion pricing dollars to fund their subway and bus service. Many people walk onto the buses without paying. Now the MTA spends millions of dollars on new jump-proof turnstiles that make it easier to get in for free. No need to exercise, just wave your hand and walk on in. Or if you’re honest and pay, the gate stays open to welcome two or three more riders for free. Heads should roll for this. No private company would have this happen and stay in business. They should have to earn the money they spend, not get it handed to them from hard-working drivers who won’t risk the dangers of riding the subways. Michael Ilardi