What to read if you're fresh out of a toxic relationship

In the mood for a good book but don't know what title to pick? The Novel Neighbor is here to help.

The independently owned and operated bookstore in St. Louis puts its well-read booksellers' expertise to the test with their popular Mystery Box program. Readers write in, sharing details about the kinds of books they're looking for, sharing biographical details and personal tastes to help the bookish wizards find just the right match.

Each week, The Novel Neighbor is sharing a new Mystery Box recommendation to help readers find just the right books to fit their mood.

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Dear bookseller,

I’m 35, child-free and single after ending a toxic relationship. I’m feeling a bit lost as all of my friends are married and have kids. I love my life now, but I’d love some books that are about women the same age as me for some inspo, solidarity, or help with a spark to not feel so isolated in this weird stage of life. If any are LBTQIA+ that’s even better! Apart from that, my comfort reread is "A Court of Thorns and Roses." I’ve been reading since they first came out and haven’t been gripped by a series or found family quite as hard since then. I love my cat, cooking, plants, pottery, fantasy and crochet.



Dear J.S., 

Thank you so much for trusting us to find you the right books for a tough moment in life. You are not alone! We have some reads that we think will be absolutely perfect.

"Behind the Scenes," by Karelia Stetz-Waters.
"Behind the Scenes," by Karelia Stetz-Waters.

We think that "Behind the Scenes" by Karelia Stetz-Waters will be a super cathartic read for you. This is a sapphic, contemporary romance with characters in their 30s and 40s grappling with past toxic relationships, loss of parents, and anxiety about feeling directionless in life.

Ash Stewart is a filmmaker going through a break up that derailed her career and Rose Josten is giving her all to a job she doesn’t like to support her sister after their parents’ deaths. All of this sounds heavy, but this book is also so romantic! Plus, there are some adorable pugs. You need this in your life.

"Olive," by Emma Gannon.
"Olive," by Emma Gannon.

This book is the perfect one-two punch after the last. "Olive" by Emma Gannon is the absolute best book to verbalize all of the messy feelings about choosing to remain childless, adult friendships, and feeling adrift.

In this book, Olive feels her friends branch away from her when they choose marriage and motherhood, which makes Olive question her own life choices. This book has had a long tenure on our staff favorites shelves and for good reason.

We heard you like fantasy and plants and therefore thought the only reasonable option to give you is "The Jasmine Throne" by Tasha Suri. Inspired by Indian history, this sapphic high fantasy features a princess held captive, a maidservant with forbidden plant magic, and lots of political intrigue.

"The Jasmine Throne," by Tasha Suri.
"The Jasmine Throne," by Tasha Suri.

This book builds slowly, but it’s so worth it by the end. The women in this book are complex, morally grey, and totally badass. We haven’t met a reader who didn’t end up loving this book.

Thank you so much for supporting indie, J.S.! We hope these books hit the spot and please let us know if we can help with any more recommendations.


The Novel Neighbor

If you, like J.S., are looking for the perfect book to speak to a difficult time in your life, or you need a new go-to comfort read, The Novel Neighbor would love to make a Mystery Box for you! 

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Book recommendations: What to read if you ditched a toxic relationship