Ratings: Game of Thrones Returns to All-Time High, Revenge and Red Widow Drop

HBO’s Game of Thrones kicked off Season 3 on Sunday night with a record audience of 4.4 million total viewers, rising 13 percent from the epic drama’s sophomore opener and up 4 percent from the precious finale.

Folding in two encores broadcasts, the premiere amassed 6.7 million viewers, up 7 percent versus Season 2′s opening night.

Ratings for The Walking Dead’s Season 3 finale are not yet in; check back for updates.

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Meanwhile, broadcast fare suffered this Sunday night. Facing off against Thrones and TWD, ABC’s Revenge fell 14 and 17 percent to 5.4 mil/1.5, barely edging out a repeat of The Voice. Red Widow (4.1 mil/1.0) in turn slipped 9 percent and a tenth to series lows, placing third behind CBS* and Celebrity Apprentice (down 12 percent to 4.6 mil/1.4).

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* Ratings for CBS’ The Amazing Race and The Good Wife are thoroughly scrambled and unreportable due to significant overrun from the NCAA tournament, which was up 25 percent year-to-year in the overnights.

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