What Rachel Dolezal Says About Her Birth Certificate

Rachel Dolezal, a former President of the Spokane Chapter of the NAACP who has referred to herself as “transracial,” “trans-Black,” and sometimes, “Pan-African” was criticized in the media as a “race-faker,” and “ethnic fraud” in 2015, after her parents disclosed that she was biologically “white” in the media.

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Dolezal resigned from the NAACP and lost her job as a part-time instructor of African Studies at Eastern Washington University. Her parents produced a birth certificate and childhood photos of their daughter and claimed that she is genetically – predominantly of European descent. Dolezal admits, she publicly questioned the authenticity of the birth certificate, calling her true parentage in to question

. “And my point to that was that they had produced this birth certificate – which was not even the original birth certificate – and said that proved that they are my biological parents, but their names are on my non-biological siblings birth certificates as well.”

“And so my point was that – I haven’t had a paternity test, there’s been no evidence — hard factual evidence at that point — and people weren’t questioning anything they said.”

Dolezal says in the interview that she does believe that Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal are her biological parents, but that does not change her view about being black and her personal racial identity.

How does Dolezal respond when she’s asked about drawing the public’s ire for not being forthcoming about her biological origins?

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Rachel Dolezal recently authored the memoir In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World. The book is available now.

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Accused of ‘Ethnic Fraud,’ Rachel Dolezal Says Being Black Wasn’t ‘Something That I Faked’