R. Kelly misses court date due to toe infection

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R Kelly claims he missed his recent federal court appearance because of a toe infection. His lawyer, Steven Greenberg, said Kelly was worried someone would step on his foot in the courtroom, thus worsening the medical issue.

Greenberg told TMZ that the toe infection required Kelly to have his toenail removed, implying that the infection warranted skipping the court date. He’s currently in a walking boot to recover from the procedure — though Greenberg wasn’t clear on which foot or digit was injured.

Of course, a toe infection isn’t Kelly’s only affliction. He was recently accused of knowingly spreading herpes.

The hearing was mostly procedural, and the defendants also weren’t on foot hand. Kelly’s lawyers used the time to formally file a motion of dismissal for the charges of obstruction against the disgraced signer. “Chiefly because we think that the statute of limitation has been blown,” Greenberg told reporters at the courthouse. “We also think that legally the counts are insufficient, that as a matter of law, they aren’t going to be able to prove it. The allegations don’t comply with the allegations they need to make in order to make a case for obstruction.”

Federal prosecutors have five weeks to issue their legal response, after which a ruling will be handed down in a February hearing.

Kelly must have trouble keeping track of all of the legal problems on his docket. In addition to the federal case, he faces 40-70 years in prison on Illinois state charges, but that doesn’t even include his other federal indictment in New York, the recent Minnesota criminal case filed in August, or the investigation launched in Georgia after the Surviving R. Kelly docu-series aired. There are countless other allegations of sexual crimes against him as well.

His first federal trial is set to begin on April 27th.

R. Kelly misses court date due to toe infection
Nina Corcoran

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