R. Kelly Calls His Accusers 'Disgruntled Groupies ... Who Were Dying to Be With Him'

R. Kelly is trying to get released from custody before his trial and he is slamming his accusers in the process, calling them nothing more than "disgruntled groupies."

In a letter to the judge obtained by The Blast, R. Kelly's attorney, Douglas Anton, claims the indictment against Kelly details how "these groupies sought out Robert’s attention, even fought each other for it, voluntarily contacted him, came to his shows, pined to be with him."

Addressing the allegations of one of his accusers (who is referred to as JD#5), Anton argues, "An adult woman voluntarily met a rock star, eagerly and excitedly went to shows, hotels, recording studios and the like and engaged in sex with the rock star. Then she regretted it. Then she claimed that this rock star was the only person she had unprotected sex with for a period of about a year, and 'he must have been the one to give me an STD?' Even if all that JD#5 otherwise says is true, does it seem realistic that any rock star would risk his own life and have unprotected sex with a groupie he just met?"

He claims that "evidence will show that the Robert Kelly tours and shows would accommodate both male and female fans with access to the singer, picture taking, meet and greets, fan events, backstage passes and the like."

Kelly's attorney even compares his actions to charity work, writing, "The indictment even alleges, just like some of my other touring musician clients do with the Make-A-Wish and other foundations, that staff would pay for travel or accommodations for his fans when they could not themselves afford to attend a performance. This is 'touring' rock and roll, not a criminal enterprise."

Referring to one of the alleged victims, Kelly's attorney states, "The NY alleged victim we know, was adult when she met Robert for the first time, and never sought to file criminal charged on her own, but instead currently maintains a civil lawsuit against Robert seeking millions of dollars in money payoff."

Kelly's attorney also points out that the singer's two live-in girlfriends have remained by his side and are not prisoners, as has been alleged.

"As for the allegation that Robert ever sought to keep anyone locked away and/or away from their family," Kelly's attorney writes, "that repeated mantra has been beat to death as it relates to his two live-in girlfriends, who, after his recent incarceration, where, if captive, now free to run, but are instead found on line, and in person, supporting Robert. In fact, they are appearing in NY, of their own accord, on their own dime, to support the man they have loved for so many years. It’s time for the rumors to stop making their way into the hollowed halls of the Federal Courts."

R. Kelly's attorney also argues that the singer is not a flight risk, pointing out he does not even have his passport. He writes, "[R. Kelly] was wrongfully charged before and acquitted of all charges and fully expects to be again. More than his alleged victims, he wants these cases to move forward to their logical proper conclusion so that he can be vindicated once again and get on with the business of writing incredible music and performing same."

In the end, Anton is asking for the singer's release on his own recognizance or bail.

R. Kelly is due back in court on Friday.