Quit Your Job and Apply to Walk This 17-Year-Old Tortoise Through Central Park Every Day

Meet Henry. He is a bit of a New York City celebrity.

The Harlem-based sulcata tortoise has over 11,000 followers on his Instagram @thenotortoisebig, which is filled with photos from his daily jaunts through the city’s famed Central Park.

Which brings us to the issue at hand: Henry is looking for a new walker. Henry and his mom found a perfect park companion last year, but unfortunately she is moving away. Now, this dream job is open again.


The Craigslist post describing the position sounds too good to be true.

“I’m in search of a responsible animal lover to take Henry to Central Park on warm weekdays. I live a few short blocks from Central Park and have a pet stroller to get him to and from. Once he’s there, Henry can roam freely under your watchful eye. No tortoise experience necessary, but you must be an animal person and also good with people. (Trust me — they’ll want to talk to you!) If you’re sociable and like to hang out in Central Park, this is an easy gig,” reads the job posting.

This “easy gig” pays $11 an hour and comes with a few requirements. Along with loving animals, the applicant needs to be able to lift the 20-lb. tortoise in and out of his stroller, keep a watchful eye on the “surprisingly quick” 17-year-old — who strolls leash-free, and ensure Henry doesn’t mistakenly eat any trash.

If you love taking photos of gallivanting tortoises (and who doesn’t?), that’s a plus, since Henry is always looking for new shots for his Instagram

There is a chance, if you nab this choice job, that it could extend beyond weekday walks to other exciting adventures.


“Last year, Amalia (Henry’s current walker) and Henry were on a German TV show together and he’s been asked to be the ring bearer at a wedding in the fall. I’d also love someone who can help watch Henry if I go out of town. The tortoise walker role is a big part of the enTORTage,” Henry’s mom Amanda told Gothamist.

Now that you have all the details, what are you waiting for? This is the job of the century!