Queen Camilla and King Charles’s Recent Body Language Speaks Volumes, According to Expert

If there’s one person that King Charles can rely on, it’s his wife, Queen Camilla.

In a new interview, body language expert Darren Stanton analyzed the couple’s recent outings and revealed that Queen Camilla, 76, is a huge support system for the monarch, 75.

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“Camilla provides a sense of support and safety for Charles,” Stanton told PureWow (on behalf of Betfair Slingo). “They work well together during joint engagements. While they aren’t afraid to socialize away from each other at events, they always come back together. There’s a deep connection between them.”

Stanton also commented on Queen Camilla’s newfound confidence. “It’s clear that Camilla takes her position of queen seriously. She loves talking to people and people seem to love talking to her. She supports Charles, not by what she does verbally, but how she responds non verbally and through her actions,” he explained. “I’ve noticed she’ll often give him a little tap on the shoulder or elbow, which is her way of showing she’s there for support.”

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Stanton confirmed that King Charles has “adapted” and “evolved remarkably well” to his new role as monarch. “Charles has been preparing for the position of King for years, and he’s clearly settled into the role with ease,” he said. “We don't see any signs of nervousness in terms of his position within the royal family.”

The body language expert continued, “He’s become a lot more confident, and we don’t see as many pacifying or self reassurance gestures that we once did, such as playing with his cufflinks. This tells me he’s confident in his role and within himself, whether Camilla is there or not.”

Never change, you two.

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