‘Quantico’ Star Priyanka Chopra’s Idea of a Great Vacation: Binge-watching TV

She just spent the last year of her life starring in an intense, action-packed TV drama during the week, while filming a movie on her weekends. So what does Quantico star Priyanka Chopra want to do on her vacation?

Nothing. She just wants to veg, she says. “And watch TV. Binge-watch TV.”

In this exclusive behind-the-scenes video from the upcoming Emmy Magazine cover story on the actress, Chopra, who’s starred in more than 50 movies in her native India and is currently filming the big-screen Baywatch movie with The Rock and Zac Efron, says she wasn’t originally certain she wanted to tackle a TV role. But when ABC exec Kelly Lee asked her to fly to Los Angeles and read scripts for potential series, she was immediately impressed with Quantico, and liked that the role of FBI agent-in-training Alex Parrish wasn’t written specifically for an Indian actress.

Related: ‘Quantico’ Season Finale Recap: Cutting the Head Off of the Beast

Most importantly, she says, “I picked the one I would want to watch.”

“Alex is completely different from me,” Chopra says. “She’s like my hero, because she’s ballsy and bold, and I’m shy a little bit. She doesn’t trust anyone … I trust everyone. She … is suspicious of everyone, I believe in the goodness of people. We’re completely different personalities. To me, as an actor, that’s what’s fun to do… to be able to leave who you are, and to become someone else completely.”

Someone who really, really likes her job. While filming Quantico’s first season Monday through Friday in Montreal, Chopra would take a 22-hour flight on weekends to return to India and work on a Bollywood movie… with the long trip leaving her enough time to film just one scene each weekend before returning to Canada. Says the actress, “My life is pretty much on a plane.”