
PyeongChang recap: The good, the bad and the ugly

The PyeongChang Olympics has been a fruitful cocktail of political powerplays, wind delayed events and a much colder sequel to the oiled-up shirtless Tongan. We’ve seen crashes, spills, thrills and even a few genuine Olympic moments that may have brought a tear to your eye.

For Team USA, it’s been an Olympic explosion for curling and women’s hockey for the first time in a very lengthy amount of years. Not to mention the bittersweet swan song for Lindsey Vonn and an incredible welcoming party for youngsters, Nathan Chen, Chloe Kim and Red Gerard.

PyeongChang has provided many “wow” moments, a few “ugh” moments, and even a couple “yikes” moments here and there. Much like Clint Eastwood, the 2018 Winter Olympics could be classified as the good, the bad and the ugly.