Purple Heart veteran urges legalization of medical cannabis for those haunted by war

Purple Heart veteran urges legalization of medical cannabis for those haunted by war
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Legalize medical cannabis

The S.C. House of Representatives needs to allow patients and veterans access to safe and legal medical cannabis.

Killing the S.C. Compassionate Care Act, as the House did in a procedural ruling on May 4, will certainly result in more veteran deaths.

In 37 other states, veterans can use cannabis under a doctor’s care to alleviate PTSD and intractable pain.

PTSD jeopardizes veterans’ lives with multiple psychological manifestations which increase the risk of suicide. Cannabis quiets thoughts, provides peaceful sleep and lessens negative thinking, allowing general peace.

I was awarded the Purple Heart, but I continue to suffer the wounds of war. Under medical care, I and other veterans deserve the freedom to pursue medical cannabis as a treatment.

More than 70% of South Carolina voters support allowing medical cannabis.

For seven long years, advocates have worked with the House leadership to support this bill. Let’s do the right thing for veterans and patients who deserve better.

Donald Howell, Summerville

Budget priorities?

I read with interest Hilton Head’s proposed $119 milllion budget plans. I’m wondering about our true priorities when we plan to spend $5.2 million on a park and $955,000 on affordable housing?

Oh, and performance-based increases of up to 3% for town employees, many of whom apparently have to travel onto Hilton Head every day for work because there is not affordable housing here for them.

Hmm. I wonder if that increase will now allow them to move onto this island?

Diane Lacey, Hilton Head

Fate sealed?

This is not a town. I know you may think that this place is wonderful and great.

Fact check: 75 percent gated and private, lots of restaurants and lots of golf courses, no downtown, no affordable housing.

This is a hideaway for elderly white men and their children and their children’s children. It is not sustainable.

You all made this bed, now you can lay in that same bed.

You want your lawn mowed? You want your roof repaired? You want people to serve you food? But you don’t want those people living anywhere near you.

You have sealed your fate with greed and self-appointed privilege.

Sandon Preston, Hilton Head


This is a scary moment. According to a leaked draft opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court is preparing to dismantle abortion rights across America.

As a result, 26 states could outlaw abortion, including 13 that have passed “trigger” laws to take effect immediately after the court overturns Roe v. Wade.

This news should set off alarm bells for all Americans.

Our fundamental freedoms are coming under attack by a hyper-partisan supermajority on the court. And this could just be the beginning.

There is a way to fight back, which is why I’m urging Congress to pass the Judiciary Act of 2021.

The Judiciary Act would rebalance the Supreme Court by adding four new seats, giving us 13 justices in total. It’s just what we need to move away from extremely partisan rulings and restore the legitimacy of the court.

It’s been done before. In fact, Congress has changed the size of the Supreme Court multiple times already in our nation’s history.

It’s past time for Congress to get on board with this crucial bill.

Richard A Madison, St. Helena Island