Puff Daddy Finally Addresses That Hilarious $1 Bill Viral Photo

While us normal folk get way too gassed at the unexpected sight of a $10 bill in the pocket of our jeans, Diddy operates at an entirely different level. Just head on over to Google, do an image search "Diddy $1 bill," and what you will find is a bunch of photos of Puff sitting courtside at a Knicks game, ruffling through a sea of $100 bills and staring in bewilderment at the sight of this strange paper currency with George Washington's face on it. The incredible moment was luckily captured by a photographer and went viral.

What was going through Diddy's mind as he came into contact with this mysterious $1 bill? The New York Times Sunday Magazine got to the bottom of it in their Q&A with Puff. “I love a $1 bill! I just make weird faces sometimes," he explained. Wait, what? After all this time speculating what was going through his mind, it turns that he was just making a weird face? Yes, we're just as disappointed in this un-Puff-like response as you.

To read the rest of his New York Times Sunday Magazine interview, click here.


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