Provincetown's annual Year-Rounders' Festival is the place to be. It's free.

It’s time to leave the house and celebrate as the Provincetown and Outer Cape Year-Rounders' Festival returns for its 37th year on March 9.

As always, artists, artisans, town committees and nonprofits will fill tables inside Town Hall, the pet parade and silent auction will commence in the afternoon and a feast, performances and a few surprises will fill the evening.

“We had a chicken win one time and somebody’s pot belly pig and a baby goat,” said Elise Cozzi, one of the festival’s organizers. “We don't discriminate. The Shellfish Warden is coming. I told him to bring his pet clam.”

Poster for this year's Provincetown and Outer Cape Year-Rounders' Festival.
Poster for this year's Provincetown and Outer Cape Year-Rounders' Festival.

As for the surprises, Cozzi said they’re as much of a shock to her and her team as they are to the attendees. They never know what’s going to happen or who’ll jump on stage until they do.

“We never know who's gonna come in with a guitar or a boombox or a piano or whatever,” she said.

Beyond the surprises, the fun of the festival lies in the sense of community present throughout the event.

“We get to see people we haven’t seen all winter because everybody’s doing their thing,” Cozzi said.

The Provincetown and Outer Cape Year-Rounders' Festival begins at 10 a.m. on March 9 at Provincetown Town Hall at 260 Commercial St. and is free to attend. For more information, visit the festival's Facebook page,

What to do this week on Cape Cod

Reception for 'Lost History - Rediscovered'

The Cultural Center of Cape Cod is holding a reception for its latest exhibition “Lost History - Rediscovered,” a deep dive into the history of the Yarmouth and Bass River area co-curated by Bob Kelley, president of the Old Yarmouth Historical Society on March 8.

The exhibition features historical artifacts, such as photographs and maps, dating back to the 19th century and fills the campus’ four main galleries. Plus, on March 9, the exhibition will feature a one-day-only oral history presentation and discussion with Nipuc-Wampanoag Tribal Member Waban Webquish.

Poster for "Lost History - Rediscovered," an exhibition on the history of the Bass River and Yarmouth area at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod.
Poster for "Lost History - Rediscovered," an exhibition on the history of the Bass River and Yarmouth area at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod.

The Friends of Bass River will provide a present-day perspective of Bass River’s current state touching on its elevated nitrogen levels and how we can help conserve the river’s ecosystem.

Kelley will also deliver a series of lectures for the exhibition at 2 p.m. on March 30.

The reception is free to attend and will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. on March 8 at the Cultural Center’s Bass River Arts Campus at 307 Main St. in South Yarmouth. The exhibition will run until March 30. For more information, visit

Student Artwork on exhibit at Orleans Town Hall

The annual National Youth Art Month Exhibition returns to Orleans Town Hall throughout March displaying works from students at Nauset Middle School, Nauset Regional High School and the Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School.

Curated by art teachers from regional schools and sponsored by the Orleans Cultural Council, the exhibition aims to display the wealth of artistic talent present in the region.

A reception for the exhibition will be held at 5:30 p.m. on March 15 at Orleans Town Hall (19 School Road in Orleans) and light refreshments will be served. Works will be on display during Town Hall business hours — 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday — until March 29.

Cape Cod Music Society celebrates the beginning of spring with two Cape Cod String Quartet concerts in Wellfleet and Falmouth

After a sold-out show on March 3, the Cape Cod String Quartet returns with two new dates for their “Spring is Here 2024” show, presented by the Cape Cod Music Society, at 7 p.m. on March 8 and 15, respectively, at the Wellfleet Preservation Hall and at the College Light Opera Company in Falmouth.

The series focuses on Max Richter's, "Spring 1 Recomposed,” Richter’s interpretation of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons,” according to a press release for the event. The program also features Mozart's "Dissonance" quartet and George Walker's "Lyric for Strings.”

The Cape Cod String Quartet will perform two shows of their "Spring is Here" concert on March 8 and March 15, respectively, at the Wellfleet Preservation Hall and at the College Light Opera Company in Falmouth.
The Cape Cod String Quartet will perform two shows of their "Spring is Here" concert on March 8 and March 15, respectively, at the Wellfleet Preservation Hall and at the College Light Opera Company in Falmouth.

Tickets for the March 8 show at the Wellfleet Preservation Hall at 335 Main St. in Wellfleet are $35 and can be purchased online at

Tickets for the March 15 show at the College Light Opera Company at 54 Chapoquoit Road in West Falmouth are $35 and can be purchased online at

History Book Party at Nye Museum in East Sandwich

Celebrate books with the Nye Museum during their history book party at 6:30 p.m. on March 12 at the Nye Museum’s Grange Hall.

Inspired by Nye historian John Cullity’s research on the Cedarville Reading Circle, Nye Museum Executive Director Amy Johnson wanted to host a party in honor of history books, both fiction and nonfiction, and give local history lovers a chance to share their favorite titles, authors and stories with other history buffs.

Join the Nye Museum in East Sandwich for a history book party at 6:30 p.m. on March 12.
Join the Nye Museum in East Sandwich for a history book party at 6:30 p.m. on March 12.

The party is free to attend and guests are asked to register with the museum online at or by calling the museum at 508-888-4213. Light refreshments will be served at the event.

Cape Cod Women’s Association Meeting

In honor of Women’s History Month, the Cape Cod Women’s Association is hosting a meeting at 5:30 p.m. at the Family Table Collaborative on March 12.

During the meeting, a dinner will be hosted for attendees, members of the Cape Cod Women’s Association will deliver speeches about their experiences being a woman on the Cape and a raffle will be thrown in support of the organization. Attendees are asked to bring an item, such as a book, bottle of wine or box of chocolates for the raffle.

Tickets for the meeting are $35 for members, $45 for non-members and can be purchased online at The Family Table Collaborative is located at 1338 Route 28 in South Yarmouth. For more information, visit

Frankie Rowley covers entertainment and things to do. Contact her at

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This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Free festival at Provincetown town hall. Bring your creative self.