Producers Guild Delays Vote to Expel Harvey Weinstein

The Producers Guild has delayed until Monday a special meeting to consider expelling Harvey Weinstein from the ranks of its members. The PGA national board of directors was to have voted today to kick him out on the charge that his alleged sexual harassment of numerous actresses is “prejudicial to the welfare of the guild.” But the guild says it pushed the meeting off until Monday “to ensure confidentiality of its proceedings.”

Sources say they expect a near-unanimous vote to expel him on Monday, after which he will have 15 days to respond. And unless he can come up with some convincing reasons why he shouldn’t be kicked out, he’ll then be officially expelled. It will, in effect, be the first of many trials to come for the disgraced movie mogul.

Once one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, Weinstein’s name has become synonymous with the sexual exploitation of actresses. His accusers include Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mira Sorvino, Kate Beckinsale and Rosanna Arquette, to name but a few.

His dizzying fall from grace comes just four years after the PGA honored him and his brother Bob Weinstein with the Milestone Award, the guild’s most prestigious honor recognizing an individual or team who has made historic contributions to the entertainment industry.

PGA sources say that it’s not enough just to condemn Weinstein, and that the guild intends to play a leading role in cleaning up the industry and putting an end to its long history of silence about sexual predation and the “casting couch” culture.

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