Priyanka Chopra and ABC Apologize for Controversial ‘Quantico’ Episode About Indian Terrorists

Priyanka Chopra and ABC have both apologized for “The Blood of Romeo,” a recent episode of “Quantico” featuring Indian terrorists. “I’m a proud Indian and that will never change,” Chopra tweeted after receiving criticism and backlash, which ABC says has been “unfairly aimed” at her.

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“I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico,” Chopra also wrote. “That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise.” The show, which premiered in 2015 and stars Chopra as a promising FBI recruit, was canceled last month after three seasons.

ABC released a statement as well:

“ABC Studios and the executive producers of Quantico would like to extend an apology to our audience who were offended by the most recent episode, ‘The Blood of Romeo.’ The episode has stirred a lot of emotion, much of which is unfairly aimed at Priyanka Chopra, who didn’t create the show, nor does she write or direct it. She has no involvement in the casting of the show or the storylines depicted in the series. ‘Quantico’ is a work of fiction. The show has featured antagonists of many different ethnicities and backgrounds, but in this case we inadvertently and regrettably stepped into a complex political issue. It was certainly not our intention to offend anyone.”

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With her casting, Chopra became the first South Asian to lead a network drama. “Quantico” will conclude its third and final season in August.

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